
Blog Stats

I am pretty new to blogging, even if this blog is years old. So it might be of interest what a niche blog like mine attracts for an audience:

Most successful posts:

Frequent posting does attract traffic, which is kinda obvious:

The origin of my readers is kind of expected as well:
Finally the device & OS:

Bild, das die beliebtesten Plattformen zeigtBild, das die beliebtesten Browser zeigt


Games Connection - Master Class


I do a Masterclass about f2p nearly every year in Paris at Games Connection. My evaluation this year was the highest I ever got, so my new format doing it seemed to have worked:

Did the Master Class meet your expectations? 
- Exceeded expectations 73%
- Met expectations 27%
- Didn’t really meet expectations 0%
- Didn’t meet expectations at all 0%

Are the lessons you learned applicable to your daily job function?
- Totally 82%
- Partially 18%
- Not really 0%
- Not at all 0%

The Master's technical skills...
- Exceeded my expectations 91%
- Met my expectations 9%
- Did not meet my expectations 0%

The Master's educational methods...
- Were fantastic 91%
- Were average 9%
- Need improvement 0%

Rhythm & pace of the class was...
- Too fast 0%
- Well adapted 100%
- Too slow 0%

Would you recommend this Master Class to others?     
- Yes 100%
- No 

I also did a talk about the monetization of World of Tanks, this is the evaluation:

The following two questions were asked, for which people scored out of 10 - where 1 was the lowest and 10 was the highest.

Average Overall Evaluation (overall session rating): 9.8
Average Speaker Evaluation (speaker relevance for topic): 9.8

For your reference, global averages were 8.246 and 8.617 respectively.